• Men have a better prognosis for IBS than do women, and men tended to have fewer return visits for IBS-related symptoms than did women.
• Life expectancy remains similar to that of the general population
• With treatment, 85% of patients were rendered virtually symptom-free in the short term, and 68% were still virtually symptom-free 5 years later.
• The response to treatment was better in men than in women, in those with constipation than with diarrhoea, when the symptoms had initially been triggered by an episode of acute diarrhoea, and in patients with a relatively short history. With a few simple investigations, sympathetic explanation, and appropriate treatment, most patients with IBS have a good prognosis.
• A chronic relapsing condition
• Physical
o Does not increase the mortality or the risk of inflammatory bowel disease or cancer
o Abdominal pain and lifestyle modifications secondary to altered bowel habits
o Diarrhea and constipation, both signs of irritable bowel syndrome, can aggravate haemorrhoids
o Avoidance of certain foods may lead to malnourishment
o No increased risk of developing an organic pathology exists in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
• Psychological
o May experience feelings of depression and anxiety
o May have suicidal ideation and/or suicide attempts
• Social
o May lead to avoidance of social engagements, make sexual activity unappealing or even painful
o Finding access to toilets may be an issue, therefore some are afraid to visit public places
o Work absenteeism resulting in lost wages
A good summary for ready reference. Dr. J. Sil, Kolkata